The End of the Beginning

I am writing this on November 7, 2020, three years, ten months, and two weeks after the day Liberal Currents first launched. A little less than two hours ago, the major news networks called the presidential election for Joe Biden, a result the nation has waited to hear for a painfully slow four days. In truth, a candidate winning offers very few guarantees to those who voted for him, but there is one thing a Biden victory does guarantee: once all the votes are counted, and the states certify their results, and Congress certifies the overall result, the days of the Trump administration will finally be numbered.
For more than four years we have been subjected to the whims and tirades of a man defined by his contempt for the weak and the powerless. We have been subjected to his outbursts directed at those who violated his sense that he deserved to be universally loved and only in the way he wished to be loved, who failed to affirm his image of himself as the pinnacle of masculinity, success, and strength. A president whose main remark about his visit with the family members of mass shooting victims was about the “love and respect” that they showed him.
A Biden administration is no panacea; few but those understandably carried away by today’s enthusiasm would say otherwise. But it is also no Trump administration.