Mass Deportation: If You Do It
What you'll do.

They're pulled from their homes. Rounded up.
Well, there's not anywhere they're set to go, or even can go. There's no plan.
Get a thousand parking lots and some tents or something.
They'll need and want meals prepared, network access, drinks and snacks, a bed, a shower, toiletries, cleaning services, laundry, medicine, education, books, church, rewarding work, vacations, shopping, entertainment, family life, and community.
Are you going to pay for that?
Well, you won't want to.
You know, they were fine, where they were. You were hardly paying for any of that stuff before. They generally had jobs, and paid taxes.
You also have jobs. That's how you pay taxes.
Anyway, after you yank them away from their jobs, they won't be able to pay for anything they need and want, so you'll have to.
But you won't want to pay very much, so you'll throw them into hot warehouses, or onto parking lots under some tents.
And soon they'll be hungry. Tired. Dirty. Gross. Sick. Out of touch.
Considering how much you were already being told to hate them, how Trump was already dehumanizing them while they were freely living their lives, how right will he seem after he's sealed them inside these godforsaken pens?
And you'll be paying 100 percent of their costs of living.
When you stop paying some of those costs, without setting them free, they'll start dying.
The camps will be riddled with death.
We'll want the camps to go away.
Probably, hopefully, we'll quietly let the people who survive go back to their homes, back to their jobs and lives.
We'll wish to forget the whole thing.
They'll want to forget it too, but won't.
Featured image is of the Families Belong Together rally in Austin, Texas, June 30, 2018.